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Stone Circle

The Milton Keynes Millennium Sculpture represents a coming together of North American Indian Medicine Wheels and the ancient stone circles of Britain.

The Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel was built by people from Milton Keynes to welcome the new millennium and to bring spiritual peace and harmony to the wounded earth. It embraces, and is beyond, all sects and religions and harnesses he earth’s powerful energies to help the development of spiritual growth.

This place is a focus within the rich and varied landscape of Milton Keynes and everyone is welcome to seek spiritual healing and to find peace, reconciliation and enjoyment here.

The large flat Africa Stone, outside the circle is seen as a symbol of the earth’s healing which must grow from that continent.

The two concentric rings of stones symbolize stages of spiritual focus.

Tall Gateway stones at the north, south, east and west cardinal points invite participation and spread the spiritual influence from the Wheel.

The grass space inside the circle has four sectors representing the elements: fire, water, earth and air.

The Wheel brings together the races of humankind around the fire pit and the healing ashes from ceremonies here and in other parts of the world are kept at the Buddhist Temple nearby.

The Lesser Gateways and the Needle Stone mark the Midsummer energy line which extends from Midsummer Boulevard, through Campbell Park Belvedere and the Tree Cathedral to the island in Willen North Lake.

7 August 2023
Last Updated
7 August 2023