In 2018 MK Hard of Hearing Support Ground were awarded a grant of £250 towards the cost of a social outing for members.
“Thank you for your generosity in granting £250 towards a recent trip to the Shuttleworth Collection and Swiss Gardens at Biggleswade.
The outing was extremely successful and enabled people with hearing loss to enjoy a trip together, which for many, would not have been possible without this grant.
We were able to hire a mini bus with tail lift to enable a person with spinal injuries and hearing loss and participate.
The oldest member who joined us is 95. It also enabled one of your parishioners who had been mugged the week before to enjoy the visit.
We have recently received funding to enable us to provide transport for people who cannot access public transport to attend the group.
Once again, thank you for helping to alleviate isolation, depression and lack of confidence for people with hearing loss”