Home News Grant Successes Keech Hospice Care 2020

Keech Hospice Care 2020

Thank you from Keech Hospice Care:

“We were delighted to receive the grant that the Councillors have awarded us towards our children’s services. I cannot tell you how much your support at this time means to us, thank you.

Following the outbreak of Covid-19, the care we provide for seriously ill children and their families is needed now more than ever. Whilst some things have changed, the quality of our service has not.

We are continuing to provide children and their families with as much support as possible during in this time, albeit in new and innovative ways. Over the last couple of weeks, we have managed to have our first virtual children’s day support session. It was wonderful to see so many families taking part and receiving much needed support from our care team and other families.

Your kind donation of £450 will enable us to continue to provide our specialist care to children from Milton Keynes who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting or terminal diagnosis.

Thank you for helping us to make the difference when it matters the most.”

19 February 2021
Last Updated
8 August 2023
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