Home News Homeground Magazine Homeground: Spring 2021

Homeground: Spring 2021

In this edition:

  • Chair of Councils Report 2020/2021
  • Our first virtual Community Forum with Thames Valley Police
  • Local charity St Marks MK tells us about their St Marks Meals Project
  • Concerns about road safety issues in Woolstone
  • Schools report
  • The Lewis Wenman Memorial Bench
  • Willen Hospice’s relaxing remedy
  • Budget planning and achievements
  • Landscape update
  • Campbell Park Parish Coucil supports MK Melting Pot to help local families
  • Free activity packs for children
  • Community hub
  • Community centres in our parish
  • Planning application for major development east of M1
  • Kid’s corner
  • Campbell Park Advice Service
1 May 2021
Last Updated
8 August 2023
Published in