The Parish Council awarded the following grants during 2020-21 ;
- Springfield Initiative Youth Club £2,500.00 Support costs with running the youth club
- Geoff Taylor Educational Trust £5,000.00 To provide grants to local residents in line with GTET objectives
- Age UK Milton Keynes £1,000.00 To support the delivery of the Coronavirus Emergency Support Service
- MK Melting Pot £1,000.00 COVID 19 hot meal feeding and online cooking training programme
- Willen Hospice £436.00 To purchase aromatherapy equipment for the Therapeutic and Wellbeing Services at Willen Hospice
- Frank Howe Court £500.00 To replace Christmas decorations lost due to flood, for residents of Frank Howe Court
- St Mary Magdalene Church Willen £1,000.00 For the purchase of benches for community use.
- Bedford & MK Waterways Trust £1000 Towards the MK Community Boat Set Up
- St Marks Meals £500 Provision of Family Meal boxes