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Climate Change

Campbell Park Community Council (CPCC) is committed to addressing the climate emergency at a local level and recognises the importance of taking action to reduce their carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change. As a first step, CPCC have recently made a formal declaration of a climate emergency and are currently working to develop a strategy which will include six core commitments:

  • Formally declares a Climate Emergency that requires urgent action.
  • Calls on the UK government to provide the powers, resources and funding support to make local, as well as national, action against climate change possible.
  • Commits to working with partners across the City, County and nationally.
  • Commits to working towards making the Council’s activities net zero carbon by 2030.
  • Commits to developing, within 12 months, a clear action plan and timescale for being net zero carbon across our Council operations. To include a review of all functions of the Council, including lighting, land management and supply chains with an aim to reduce carbon.
  • Commits to considering the environmental impact of all actions and climate consideration will form an intrinsic part of working processes.

In 2020 CPCC took on devolved landscaping services from Milton Keynes City Council. For the last couple of years, we have been leaving wild areas to increase biodiversity across our sites encouraging the natural flora and fauna of our area which, for a number of years had been declining. This year starting with Oldbrook Green and Woolstone Green we are beginning to evolve these areas to include wildflowers.

Our landscaping team is always looking to learn and implement new ways to increase biodiversity and a greener way of working across the community. We have been trialling some electric hand tools and continue to follow market advancements in the large machinery which for us is yet to meet the demand and intensity of amenity landscaping.

In 2024 construction will begin on our new Community Hub in Springfield, aiming to be the first carbon neutral development of its kind in Milton Keynes.

Designing and constructing a sustainable new community building requires a careful balance of environmental, social, and economic considerations. By prioritising sustainability and taking a holistic approach to design and construction, it is possible to create a building that is both functional and environmentally responsible.

There are several key factors to consider, such as the materials used, energy efficiency, and the building’s overall impact on the environment. A sustainable community building should be designed to minimise its impact on the surrounding ecosystem, and to promote biodiversity and environmental health.

We will be seeking to appoint a construction partner who shares our vision and has proven credentials in their approach to sustainable working practices.

11 September 2023
Last Updated
3 June 2024