Home News News Annual Resident Consultation

Annual Resident Consultation

Copies of CPCC’s Annual Resident Consultation start dropping through letterboxes today and, as ever, we are very grateful for those of you who take the time to complete the survey. Your answers help us to plan our spending for the forthcoming year and make sure that the money is targeted to the areas of greatest need.

For the first time, the consultation is also available to complete online via the button on the homepage. We are keen to reach as many residents as possible and the introduction of an online format helps to make the consultation accessible to all.

The online form only takes on average 7 minutes to complete.

Please let us have your views by Friday 18 October 2024, we won’t be able to consider any questionnaires received after this date, so please get them back to us as soon as you can!

19 September 2024
Last Updated
11 September 2024
Published in